Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A good tutorial for usig business objects web intelligence

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Data Warehousing and BO

Customization of Infoview

Why we use DSS????

To check that everything is okay.
-- A variance report which actually performs the action that the data is okay or not with comparison to other system

To confirm the obvious
-- Sometime user hesitate to take decision due to lack of supportive document. DSS strengthen the decision by providing knowledge based
information with that.

To figure out how something works......
--Sometime customer A pays more than customer B but pays late than B.  
So identifying the key customer DSS helps.

To convey information in a more digestable manner
--DSS provides graphical representation of data after analysing it. So the data can be available in "at-a-glance" manner.

To identify the "Out-of-Ordinary"
--Ranking system of DSS achieve this goal.

To grab a grain from a granary
--To the point, correct and effective data is the key of DSS

To provide a Report of Record
--Sometime we have all the analysis but lost in the heap. DSS places the document in structured manner so user can have the proper document in time of need.

To confirm and sometime discover Trends and Relationship
--DSS provides the information about the flows of resources. By comparing the sales over time it propose the trend to follow.

To forecast and What-if analysis
--DSS set the benchmark and set the alarm. The system inform you before danger point.

9 step Migration strategy to Migrate from BO 5.1 to BOXIR2